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Joining Your Session (Zoom Desktop App)

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Joining Your Session (Zoom Desktop App) 2020-09-25T16:22:34+00:00

Joining Your Online Tutoring Session (Zoom Desktop App)

  1. In the email confirmation you received from the Highline College Tutoring Center, click the Zoom URL under the location symbol.
    Screenshot of Highline College Tutoring Center appointment confirmation email with a red arrow pointing to the Zoom URL in the email message.

  2. This will open a new web browser window that will prompt you to join the Zoom meeting. Click “Open” in the dialog prompt on your screen.

  3. You will now be in the tutor’s waiting room. They will either let you in immediately or let you know your estimated wait time.
    Screenshot of Zoom waiting room message, "Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon".

  4. After they let you into the session, choose “Join Audio by Computer”.

  5. Unmute your microphone and start your video. 

  6. You are now ready to begin your session.
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