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Online Tutoring

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Online Tutoring 2022-11-10T10:58:11+00:00

Image of a student facing a computer monitor studying.

Tutoring Center Online Tutoring 

Since Highline College classes have moved online, the Tutoring Center is now offering access to tutors remotely via Zoom.

Some other important points students should know about online tutoring.

  1. Online tutoring is by appointment only. At this time, we are not able to offer drop-in tutoring.
  2. Appointments for online tutoring are for 30 minutes. Please come prepared to your online tutoring session with your questions and course materials ready to go.
  3. Students may schedule a maximum of two (2) appointments per day, per subject. Any additional appointments will be cancelled.
  4. Students need to have the Zoom Video Conferencing app installed to connect to tutors.
  5. Students needing accommodations for tutoring should contact Access Services so we can make arrangements to best support your academic needs.
  6. Tutoring online is new for all of us. Please be patient and understanding with us as we navigate this new way of tutoring along with you. We are doing our best to assist you.

Click the buttons in the upper right to learn how to make an appointment and how to join your tutoring session in Zoom, or click the button below to go directly to the tutoring schedules page where you can schedule an appointment with a tutor.


See Tutor Schedules
How to Make an Appointment
Joining Your Tutoring Session (Zoom App)